Gun Register
Gun Dealer Management Software
Separate Gun
Acquisition and Disposal screens - Fully selectable choices -
Transactions can be completed in seconds. Assign Gun Status e.g. New -
Second-hand - Storage - Repair etc.
Preview or
Print Sales and Repair Receipts and Invoices - Present a professional image
to your customers.
Notification Letters -
When you acquire or dispose of a gun the program will print the required
notifications in an approved format with all the necessary information to
satisfy the regulations. Where applicable these may be handed to the Seller or
the Customer as part of your service.
Add a Sound Moderator if required, simply
tick the box and add the cost to the gun.
Database - Stores your Gun Customer and Supplier details - Enter them either
in this screen or in the Transaction Acquisition or
Disposal screens. Once entered the full details will
be available as required, no need to ever enter them
Repairs -
Guns acquired for repair can be entered and coded as such in order to appear in
the Repair Screen as required. Repair Receipts and Invoice may be printed from
here. The Sub-Contractors file holds the details of the Sub Contractors
that you use, they can be selected as required.
If you need to Sub-Contract some of the repairs, the Sub-Contractor may
be selected and the subsequent charges listed to provide a
total repair cost.
Repaired Guns can be separately invoiced including details of the repairs.
Quick Check -
Find the details of any gun within seconds, search by Name, Serial No or Unique
Stock No.
When searching by Name, the number of guns that you
have in stock that have been purchased from the
selected customer, and the details of each will be
Storage -
Storage charges although small can mount up over a period of time, The Gun
Register can display the current charge at any time to the nearest day, and
accept full or part payments.
The Storage screen also displays the value of the
gun it entered when acquired.
Ammunition -
The Gun Register also keeps track of your Ammunition Purchases and Sales -
Check your stock at any time.
Ammunition Purchased - Enter ammunition each
time you receive a delivery.
Ammunition Sales - Enter details of Customer and
the ammunition purchased,
and create an invoice. Program now accepts multiple
item ammunition purchases.
Ammunition - Enter Description of Ammunition,
you only need to do this once as the type of
ammunition can then be selected when sold.
Firearms Register Search by Serial No or Name
- Display Last Transaction
Search by Serial No. - Select Serial No and
the program will display the history of that gun,
there may be one or more transactions involving both
Acquisitions and Disposals which of course may
involve Repairs.
by Name -
Select Customer Name and the program will display
the history of that gun, there may be one or more
transactions involving both Acquisitions and
Disposal. Select Serial No. and the program will display the
last Acquisition and Disposal that referenced the
selected gun.
Reports - The
Gun Register Reports Menu features another twelve reports including your
Firearms Register, Audit Report, All Transactions, Gun Purchases, Gun Sales,
Ammunition Stock levels, Purchases and Sales, Guns Acquired and Disposed, Black
Powder Sales, Main Stock List, Deferred Police Advice Letters, Storage Report,
Individual Storage Invoice, Police Disposal Report by Area, Police Acquisition
Report by Area.
Second Hand
VAT Margin Scheme -
No more hassle trying to work out what your VAT liability on second hand sales
is, simply print out a report for the required VAT quarter.
- Maintain employee records and passwords in order to
implement security, each Acquisition or Disposal transaction
requires employee login.